what did i do over golden week?
not so much but still some.
friday it started and i was glad that there were no lessons that day.
i generally chilled at home. morning went to kick football in school and rest of the day was just a well-deserved break from my usual hectic schedule(haha).
saturday is go to yokohama.
there is really man mountain man ocean. cos of golden week i guess.
we went to chinatown
people people everywhere
everywhere people people
so in yokohama it's basically a port town place, and the other main thing there is the chinatown.
look familiar?
but chinatown was just ok for me, super commercialised as expected and anyway i think i am chinese enough liao.
we had lunch at this chinese dish buffet place.
pay 1980 yen and u can order anything from the menu any quantity. and the menu got 136 dishes to choose from. but is golden week so price become 2480, my friends din know about the price hike :(
so we eat loh. eat until super full haha.
order anything u want
after that we go to the portside of this yokohama place. at first my friends were saying can see the sea. and i thought, "oh, beach? cool!" but turns out is just like psa in singapore. chey.
the port
after that we go to take train to some other happening part of yokohama. there were many things to see there. the shopping centre was HUGE (but didn't get to explore. my jap friends basically lead the way and i just snap away).
super size shopping centre
and further beyond that was a the cup noodle museum which we did not go to and also another building called the red brick building or something. there was german beerfest going on and there were tonnes of people there too. but......we didn't buy or try anything, just looked around. haha.
this is the red brick building(if that's what it's called)
and this is the amusement park
pretty lightsssssss
and the beerfest at the red brick building
so after all that walking around, we eventually headed home. lotsa walking that day, and lotsa money spent....on taking the trains. doh. haha. my budget for last week blown cos of the past few days.
will write about day 2 and 3 tmr.
oh and new furniture came to the dorm on this day!
say hello to NEW SOFAS
now i sleep on the sofas cos they are more comfortable than my bed. hahaha
no la.
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