Tuesday, May 28, 2013

hello again

it's been 20 days since i last blogged.

oh dear, time passes so quickly.

i apologise for my lack of updates, over the past few weeks i have settled more or less into a routine.

weather has been steadily getting warmer.
now when i cycle to school i can actually sweat.
temperature in the day is 23-25 degrees and at night goes to about 18-20 degrees.

also i play soccer quite regularly here.
training starts at 6.30 and ends at 8.40 like that, training everyday except monday.
so since i teach english on thursdays, ususally i only go on tues wed and fri.
sat if i can wake up cos it's training at 9.
sunday they have league match so i go and watch when i can.
so far they have had a good campaign.
unbeaten run of 5-2, 0-0, 8-0, 4-0
quite imba actually.

because of soccer i come back quite late though and that means that i have to use my time efficiently.
i reach back about 8.50.
need to order and finish dinner by 9.30 at the canteen, then they will wash dishes for you.
anytime after 9.30 have to wash yourself.
then i go up and eat an orange and drink a yoghurt drink.
10 pm is ST.
st stands for study time for japs,
and (my version) shower time for non japs.
so no japs in the bath at that time.
prime time to bathe.

after taht, finish about 10.30 and i try to sleep by 1 am.
so that means 2.5 hour to do everything else so i can get enough sleep.

this wednesday i am going to a j-league game.....in saitama.

i anyhow buy ticket. so now got to travel OUT of tokyo to go to watch the game.
hope we don't get lost.
i will try to take pictures and update what happens then.

now is time to sleep.

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