Monday, June 10, 2013

day 73 fuji q

yesterday i went to fuji Q highland, a famous theme park in japan with some other exchange students.
it is called fuji Q because one of the main activities is queuing for rides.
i spent at least 4 hours queuing.
and my total time on the rides i think less than 6 minutes.

we woke up at 5 am and reached hachioji station by 6.45.
zombie mode seriously. i hate waking up so early.
but at least this one wake up to go and play i ok. wake up early to go skool is a real struggle.

train to fuji q

then after that we take train to the place.
fuji q opens at 9 and we reached at 8.45 lidat.
we bought the allday free pass.
when u get the pass u have to take a picture of your face and it gets printed on the card so the staff can verify allday pass people.

first sight of the place! that's the eejanaika

once we enter we straight away chiong for the most fierce ride.

the fiercest ride. nobody sit cos nobody dare.

fuji Q is home to a number of famous rollercoasters.
and most of them are record holders or ex record holders of some sort.

there is the Fujiyama, the ex longest and tallest rollercoaster in the world.
there is the Dodonpa, the ex fastest rollercoaster in the world. but still holds the record for highest acceleration.
then got the Takabisha, the current steepest free fall in the world.
and got the Eejanaika, the pseudo "most inversions" in the world, not recognised by the rollercoaster body though according to wiki.

i managed to sit all. and it was quite the experience. i mean the queuing was quite the experience.

and the queuing begins(for ticket)

and more queuing(for eejanaika)

and more queuing(for fujiyama)

first we all sat the eejanaika together. this one your feet dangle and the chair spins independently on x and y axis while riding through the loops.
really intense. crazy ride i dunno where i am spinning. what a way to start the day there.
cos we went once the place opened we only queue for about 40 min for this one.

this chair TURNS 

then we went to the haunted house cos ppl say very good.
haiz wasted my time. walk through a dark place and ppl try and scare you.
got some shocks cos ppl pop out of no where.
but not creepy, i think my homework more scary.
this one we queue about 30 min.

the not-so-haunted house

then after that, i go eat lunch.
mos burger!
and the mos burger at fuji Q got special burger only available there.
so of course as a suaku singaporean i eat that.
not bad. mos burger never disappoints.

fujiyama burger. nice!

after that i go and sit the fujiyama.
this one is really a very long ride. it goes on and on and on and on.
and it is really very high. 79metre the highest point. i vey scared when on the way up.
and then after that is just loop after loop.

entrance to fujiyama: king of coasters

fujiyama in evening light. that is the 79 metre point

while i sitting fujiyama my friend sit another ride.
and he felt like puking after that ride. so we decided to chill abit.
so we sit a mild ride....ferris wheel. haha.
and after that we went to walk walk around a bit before testing a mini roller coaster.

view of mt fuji from ferris wheel

MAD MOUSE. only for the bravest of brave.
very intense ride.
not for the faint hearted.

MADMOUSE. note the distance from the ground.

well he felt ok after the ride but he dun wan to sit other rides anymore.
so with that, i was left alone to sit the rest of the rides.
i went to queue for the dodonpa.
wah this one i think i queue for 2 hour.
and to think this is prolly the fastest ride.
this thing reaches a speed of 172km/h in 1.8 sec apparently.
so that's supposedly comparable to rocket take off acceleration . although rocket take off feeling is for much longer.


super fast, observe the motion blur...

after this ride, the place going to close soon so i faster rush to the last one, the takabisha.
and this one also queue for about 1 hour 30 min lidat.
this one when starting they suddenly zoom you around a pitch black place.
totally cannot see where going.
and then suddenly pop out. and after some loops u go to the highlight,
you are brought up directly 90 degrees to the highest point, and then slowly lowered til you are uoside down and dangling abit before the cart is released to fall freely down the slope.


"the 121 degree hang"

after that, is time to go home liao.
we sit the train back and on the train when i close my eyes i feel like i'm on a roller coaster (cos of the rails feeling)
and i keep expecting a sudden drop or turn.
but it never came....

and so that was the end of the fuji Q day.

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