last weekend i went to hiroshima, simply because i figured this was a great chance to visit the place that got a-bombed.
i reserved a hostel room a few days before and a few days later i booked a bus there and back.
when i arrived i could not feel my backside.
worst. bus. ride. ever.
but it was cheap and beggars cant be choosers.
i left on a friday night and came back on tuesday morning.
the entire bus journey was about 13 hours so i arrived on saturday morning.
went to check in at the hostel then i went to explore.
i would like to say that i had a great adventure. but....
the first day was lame. :(
when i arrived i went to one of those visitor centres to get brochures to figure out what to do there( cos i really had no clue when i decided to go)
so one of those brochures says theres a "historical trail" with shrines and stuff. and can go to the top of a hill and all.
so i set out to find this trail. and i found one of the shrines on the map without much difficulty.
but after that....things not so smooth.
i basically just wanted to go from this shrine to the top of a hill and then come down to another shrine and that was supposed to conclude the exploration.
however...i got lost. kind of. and that ruined everything.
it's not like i wandered and got lost.
it's that i kept searching for the way up the stupid hill and i basically walked in circles for hours.
EVENTUALLY i found the temple that led up to the hill and well....
the trail was "meh"
and the hill was "meh"
and the weather was hot like dog
and.....i lost my watch.
WAH pek chek.
of course i did not realise that i had lost my watch until it was too late.
after the tiring walk up, down and around the hill, eventually i headed back to the train station which was in between my hostel and the hill...and that was when i realised that my watch was gone.
in my mind i was trying to figure out what to do, but at the same time i was desperately looking for a drink cos i was really thirsty.
in the end i decided to go and search for my watch. so i retraced my entire journey.
which means that i went back to the shrine and up the hill AGAIN.
haiz. mission fail.
came home tired. sun-tanned, watchless and with enough experience of that hill to last me a few lifetimes.
i was a bit sian because of that so i decided to take a shower and chill in the hostel for the rest of the night. for dinner i wanted to eat comfort food, which basically means junk food.
so i had lotteria for dinner. it wasn't alot but it was nice.
and that was it for day one of hiroshima.
thankfully the next day was much better.
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