Sunday, April 28, 2013

31 - bch

hung over from my 500ml of fruit beer with 6% alcohol the night before.
truly an alcoholic, yes.

clearly i am living the wild life here..
haha no la. woke up at 8 to go play football but when i reach the field all i saw were girls playing football.
seems like no practice today. pfft.

so i come back and do laundry and stuff.

i felt like i was handling drugs today.
yes drugs. very potent BCH.
a social drug, but of course still dangerous if eaten in large amounts.

the BCH came with my resup.
left 2 whole kg of it with me.
if the customs knew, they would have confiscated for sure. laws are very strict here.

so anyway, to make my BCH last for a long time,
i was advised to keep in the freezer.
but to do so, have to package it properly.
i will now show you how to package it should you ever need to store your own BCH.

you will need:
a clean working surface
plastic sheets
and ziplock bag

so BCH in its original state looks like this
potent stuff. keep away from children.

i did not have plastic sheets so i made some with those food plastic bags
plastic bag

super sharp surgical scissors(note the alliteration)

plastic sheets prepared

next is to place the solid BCH slabs individually separated from each other by the plastic sheet
pure BCH. do not leave exposed to air for too long.

first slab on the plastic

carefully laying each piece on top of each other

once done with the layering, wrap up everything with the remainder plastic and slot it into the ziplock bags.
in the ziplock bags, ready for storage

some cosmetics

after that, all that's left is to put it in very very cold place for storage
freezer is a good idea
my dorm's freezer, now BCH's new home.

and that's it!
simple. i wish anybody copying this all the best in your BCH endeavours.
good night

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