Thursday, April 4, 2013

first week

first week in sumoland.
still alive.

weather has been largely rainy,
occasionally sunny
and always cold.

expenses come to about 1200 yen a day so far.
not bad.
going to try cooking soon to cut costs even more.
by cooking i mean boiling. and steaming. and eating more fresh fruits.

so far i eat one orange a day.
but i think that is not enough.
my effluence still not effluent enough.
so shall have to increase my fibre intake.

also i will likely buy a soccer ball soon because i want to kick at skool there.
but we'll see how things go tmr.

today at skool they talk about how the class schedule is like and the procedure to add courses.
i'm aiming to have just 3 days of school a week and have a 4-day weekend.
by tmr i think i can confirm its feasibility, which i expect is quite high.

also today we went to a local bank to make an account.
not very sure how useful that will be, but i just make first because i am a singaporean, and we always have to do such things.
if no use then i just leave it loh.

after that i went to the gym with some exchange friends cos they want to see and want to register.
and i figure i can register too, though i may not use it, but that's besides the point, i still make cos i'm singaporean and we just cant resist such opportunities, especially when free.

then it's back to the dorm.
my shoes were successfully dried last night thanks to the dry outside air and my generous and intelligent use of old newspapers. however, didn't take too long to get wet again cos i stepped in a puddle on the way to school and that essentially meant that my shoes got wet again and my NEW socks got wet as well.

on coming back i faster take out my shoes to dry them.
again by night time they are dry haha.
and the socks i left out previously dried too so i just wear them first, even though is quite disgusting.
so we went out to some ramen joint for dinner.
quite nice,
walked through some small roads and reached this place that is recommended by some of the others.

well, all i can say is so far, haven't had bad tasting food yet this entire week.
everything i eat is nice.
and i clear ALL my plates of EVERYTHING.
one reason of course is because the food is nice.
the other is because i want to be as full as possible so that i make the most of the money i spend.

that's it for day 7!

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