Tuesday, April 2, 2013

day 4


but no church to go to. :(
nvm, i celebrate with the eternal and universal church of saints redeemed by Christ's blood.

it is still a particularly chilly morning.
i want to just stay in bed.


i wake up and read my bible and do some bible study, eat some bread.....

and then after a while i figure that i should not waste time hiding in dorm.
not like army's "hiding in bunk"
no, today, I GO OUT.

on leaving my room, i realise everyone has left too.
everybody left me behind.....perfect time to go out on my own.

so i wear my warm clothes,
i get my bag and cash ready,
and i go off.

i walk to the bus stop like before and take a bus to hacioji station.
then i EXPLORE.
i go to the shopping centre near the station and inside there is a uniqlo and muji among other shops.
at uniqlo, i buy some WARM CLOTHING.
for only 17 bucks, i got myself a sweat shirt and sweat pants set. which i am wearing now. and which i thank God for everyday because it keeps me so warm.

After exploring this shopping centre a bit, I HIT THE STREETS.
walk down little alleyways and all. like yakuza 3 like that.

i walk around and see the sights, but i forget to take pics. only took one picture of some cats jumping on a car.
here are the 3 cats.

whenever i am cold, i enter a shop. haha.
finally, i find a sports shop!
yahoo! complete with soccer boots u can't find in sg and all.
i just scout around first, then next time i tell myself i will come back.

after that i go and find a place to eat dinner, i scout a few ramen shops until finally i decide on one.
when i enter, i order via the ticket machine.
the shop guy asks me some thing which i have difficulty understanding at first.
looking back i think he was asking me how spicy i want my soup.
and i answered "No".

he gives me a bewildered look and i process abit of what he say and i say "a little".

haha. delicious meal. i finish everything(actually, i finish everything here cos i want to be as full as possible always cos i never know when my next meal will be. haha)

after that i go home.
take a bus.
but i miss my stop. and have to walk back.
but nice walk anyway. and allows me to explore somemore.

SO come back bathe and sleep.
that's it for adventure no.1
and day 4.

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