i'm a survivor not gonna give up~
today had second day of class.
first thing that happen today though...weird
teacher: ernest teh
me: yes present
teacher: you know chinese?
me: yes
teacher: ok please leave
me *in my mind*: huhhhhhhhhhhh
so because i know chinese, i can't go to this class cos it's basic kanji and a lot of the words overlap with chinese. :(
that's sad. i was actually looking forward to that class.
think i will have to study it on my own ba.
so me and another ntu dude have to leave and go to the next class.
"japanese listening"
we go in and we watch totoro and write down what the characters say or answer some questions about the movie.
and the teacher very funny. as in, he is a funny character.
he do one man acting to get a point across. super hilarious. no holds barred complete with voice change and mannerisms.
like in class he act as an ah ma, and he act as some girls meeting after a long time and he also act as ah beng meeting after long time this kind. hilarious i tell you.
and then after that i go to lunch followed by "peace studies"
peace studies is so peaceful, the teacher practically promise A's if we do the bare minimum.
if not it's "war" not "peace" the teacher says.
wah piang lidat also can.
but i'm not complaining.
one more econs class introduction after than and then....TENNIS
haha, my danish friend wanted to go play some tennis so i went with him and tried out tennis.
there they lend u court shoes and racquet.
so first i play with the wall to get some feel for the bounce and the strokes.
and my danish friend, Tim, is actually quite good.
he's playing with some skool team dude and they really going at it. smashing and slicing and stuff.
after that, tim is pooped and ready to go liao, so i ask him to play with me a bit.
wah so different from playing with the wall.
not used to the bounce at all.
need abit more time to get used to anticipating where the ball will go so i can hit it in front of me.
if not i keep over running and stretching to hit the ball behind me.
tmr i have tennis for class. but in the table tennis court or something.
later it turns out to be ping pong. wah peng.
hope it is tennis cos i want to learn new sport here. also hope i hope that i dun injure my wrist in all this though.
but if is ping pong also ok, i like ping pong.
after that we are ready to go so i swing by the soccer field once more.
got some girl soccer team girls practicing abit.
and also got one guy practicing free kick i think.
i want to be thick skin and join him. but i think.....no la. haha. time to go back.
so anyway. back to dorm.
then when i arrive back, shortly after, jasper, the other danish dude come and say they going to mac, asking if i wan to go too.
i planned on cooking, but i think, heck la. try the mac also good.
so we travel out, go to the mac and eat.
it was ok, i don't know how to upsize here. seems like can't.
and ordering is abit difficult. at least communicating with the cashier was abit difficult.
but that was NOT the highlight of the day.
the highlight came shortly after i sat down to eat.
i looked across the street.
and i saw.
buey tahan, straight away after eat dinner i went across to buy.
and i eat.
and........oh my......
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