Saturday, April 13, 2013

day 17: quest for donuts

today weather was not bad.
still chilly, but sunny too, so warmer abit.
i spent my morning thinking about what i would do today.
was told that soccer was cancelled(at first was going to play with the koreans at 3.30) so that freed me up completely.

i realise that i have been talking and thinking about mr donut for quite some time and so i thought that it would be good to chronicle some of that donut goodness.
hence, i decided to go out and buy some donuts.

hugo: where are you going?
me: i'm going to buy donuts.
hugo: you're going OUT just to buy DONUTS?
me: yes.

so that was how one conversation went.
to get my donuts, first, i needed transport (cos i surely wasn't going to ride the bus there).
i asked my roomie if he would lend me his bike, and he said yes!
it's the blue one with a blue chain in the middle of the bike building.

blue body, blue chain. meet my ride.

so having gotten my transport, i headed out!
cycled the same way i jogged yesterday, but of course i made a turn eventually to head to the city centre.
it only took me 15 minutes to reach there!
that may be faster than bus!

but once i reach i try to find a place to park my bike.
some places put cannot park so i never park there.
i dunno what to do and i scared to lose the bike cos it's not even mine.
eventually i find a place that i think i can park at without getting into trouble.
so i park.

next, i go for a walk around the place since i reached so quickly and the weather is so nice.
nice weather in the city. bright and windy.

of course first i ensure that mister donut is still there and won't go anywhere.
so i swing by the place with the mac and the mister d.

here's the mac
and here's mr donut :)

after that, it's off to exploring! 
i walk down the street and i turn into alleyways and i cross bridges and i venture into neighborhoods
so basically i just go wherever i feel like going and hope to spot something interesting there.

walking past a play ground

policeman directing traffic

a boy i met

dunno what he's looking at, but he seems happy

here's a baby at a playground that looks a little like someone i know

after taking in the sights and working up an appetite, i head back to mr donut to buy my tea break.
so, now, let me introduce to you, the legendary Mr Donut.
take a bow. note the moustache. pure class.

please also note, not smorkinng on floors 1&2

after entering the shop, i spend 400 yen on 4 donuts.
2 plain pon de rings. 1 chocolate pon de ring. and 1 churros thing.
next i get on my bike(which is still there, thankfully) and i head over to the nice longkang i wrote about previously.
glorious day by the longkang

opposite me are people playing touch rugby. and all about there are people jogging and cycling, people taking their dogs for a walk, people fishing. and all sorts of people la.
playing touch rug

i find a place to sit down and enjoy my fine donuts and my oolong tea that i brought from the dorm.

my 4 fine donuts and my oolong tea (stolen from a welcome party)

so this is a pon de ring

it is made up of connected "pons" so u pluck them out and eat. like so.

after i eat finish i head back to dorm.
but since it's still so early, i head to skool to kick myself.
so i take a little detour and end up in the middle of no where high up on a hill somewhere.

welcome to the middle of no where

but i manage to find a slope that leads down to what i thought would be my skool.
i take the slope down( really steep slope)
and i'm right! i end up right at the front of my skool. haha.

steep slope of death
leads me here!

so i go to the soccer field and i kick for a while, and after an hour or so when it started to get dark(and cold), i finally headed home.
when i reached home, a local jap gave me a food ticket cos he didn't need it.
how nice. i got a free dinner!
so that caps off a fine day with a nice hot meal. 

ticket to food

so now time to bathe and sleep cos imma goin ta church tomorrow! (i hope)
and then after that it's off to receive my family (and MONEH. yahoo)
good night!

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