so i just hung around at dorm the whole day.
i even slept for most of the afternoon.
quite nice actually.
have not had a free afternoon on a saturday like this in ages.
SO anyway.
having spent so much money recently,
i figured today is a good day to start saving some money by using my stocked up reserves!
so, expenditure today is ZERO dollars haha.
i finally cooked my first meal.
chopped some vege and fried them with some meat.
there were some hiccups along the way but everything turned out ok.
just need to wait a few days and see if got any problems with my tummy.
din cook rice though cos i have no tupperwear or ziplock to keep the rice yet. will buy soon.
also ate grapes.
SO. tmr will be the same. gonna home cook my lunch. dinner got some yakiniku party.
looking forward to that ya.
and hope the weather the next few days improves.
i want to wash my clothes and go out too...
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