Friday, April 5, 2013

day 8

today there were some admin things in school again,
but all no much big deal.

i hanged out with some of the exchange people though.

jasper and tim from denmark.

there are these 2 danish guys, and one guy from ntu called hugo.
we went around buying stuff after school.
to the local department stall and also to the station to get them ezlink cards and also groceries.
the two danish dudes are jasper and tim.
jasper bought groceries and cooked dinner for us. very nice of him.

jasper the chef and dinner above

and i also bought groceries.
actually i bought quite alot today.
blew a hole in my wallet. major spike in expenditure today.
cos apart from groceries i figured that since i was at the station i should get a soccer ball too. which i did.

check out my bounty today. highlight is the round thing at the back.

hoping to cook over the next few days to see how much it saves.
and also really need more greens to aid my bowel movement.
think i can drink more water too.
and so as can be seen i added grapes to my fruit intake as well.

tomorrow class starts.
it is confirmed that i can have a three day week, and indeed i will be having a three day week. yay.
so that means sat to tuesday i'm free to run around...i hope.
i hope class is chill tmr and for the rest of the months, don't want to be too bogged down by "studies" here.

so going to sleep soon and hope i have good sleep tonight.
past few nights i dunno what's been up.
the night before i woke up like thrice in total in cold sweat.
last night my roomie forgot to off the light and i din have great sleep.
also woke up in cold sweat, but i cant rem what happen in my dreams last night.

weather has been warmer today and last night.
i didn't wear warm clothing last night and it was still comfortable.
going to do the same tonight. cos it is THAT much warmer.
clear skies, and pleasant weather make for good travelling

my lifestyle here has been much healthier i think.
i've been walking alot. no driving(obviously).
bathe and sleep at quite regular times.
with quite regular and good amount of the latter.
i think the air and climate is good for my skin apparently, my eczema quite good.
only i dun eat so much vege here.

hope to solve that and also exercise more.
i also read Bible more too, which is definitely a good thing.
so that's it for day 8, good night.

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