Saturday, April 6, 2013

day 9: first day of school

first day of school

we all took a japanese placement test a few days back so the school knows what our jap is like.
on a scale of e0-e5, e5 being the highest score, i was given the level of e1.
whatever level we are given, we are allowed to go one level up or down.
so i decided to take some e2 classes cos e1 means i must go everyday.

so, yesterday was my first day of classes.
went for the e2 japanese grammar, and it was good. the teacher was nice and friendly and also easy to understand.

then i stayed for another e2 class, japanese writing. i did not intend to join this class but i just stayed to see what it was like. abit hard. think i wun join.

then there was lunch followed by japanese culture and an economics class.

the jap culture teacher is an old aunty and she just introduce various aspects of traditional japanese culture.
the lesson is interesting. but the lady speaks very softly and gently. not really a teacher per se, more someone who is well versed with the practices.
so when she is soft or there is abit of com breakdown, cos there is no english translation, the class gets a bit rowdy and that kind of gets on my nerves. it's typical student behaviour.

then the economics class is taught by a japanese but in english.
abit jialat the english. and it's a mix of jap and foreign students, part of a program called japan asia studies, aka JAS.
so there are some other JAS courses in the week, hope they are ok.

then there was a short talk on getting some money here by teaching english.
so i can earn about 900 yen an hour teaching english.
i'm gonna try out teaching writing. interview is on monday. will update on that once it's done.

and finally, there was a welcome dinner at the school for foreign students yest night.
by the time we got there after the talk, all the food was gone. haha so i had to go around scavenging for food.
but after a while the staff noticed taht some had not much to eat so they topped up, thankfully.
i took some topped up food and was filled eventually somehow. in a few minutes all the food disappeared again though. haha. quite funny. like ravenous wolves.

met some nice friendly people yesterday too. like a lady from senegal.
actually i like the africans that i've met here so far.
more than the ang mohs at least... the africans more friendly and down to earth.

so after that went back home and watch some code geass.
finally finished the series and suffering from some withdrawals today.
oh dear....

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