Tuesday, April 2, 2013

day 1

ok i think i'll write anyway la.

first day, i arrived on thursday last week. i go to the airport and meet some ppl from the uni, there we wait for a few other students and then we take a bus to the school.
the bus itself is provided by the school. the journey is like 2 hours long, but finally we reach the school!

and first thing that goes through your mind when u reach?

like that, go to school, call home in the office and then go to the dorm.
at the dorm, there is explosion of ppl.
suddenly one whole gang of people welcome u, it is very disorientating. haha.

 this is the dorm

so after that, i settle in abit. some nice fellas from the dorm do a quick tour of the place.
and then after that, when come back, it's bath time.

bathe in the "public bath" in the dorm itself.
very HOT and very shiok. so hot that can cook nissin cup noodles.
like a personal jacuzzi.
go back to room, and then SLEEP. i konked out.

for dinner i eat nissin cup noodles. haha. end of day one.

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